

General Cancer Information

National Cancer Institute’s website containing comprehensive information about every kind of cancer, cancer treatments, as well as clinical trials.
American Cancer Society’s website. The most comprehensive nongovernmental source of information about cancer and its treatment.
The National Library of Medicine’s PubMed service. This is a comprehensive search engine for medical publications. At least the abstract, and sometimes the entire text of nearly all scientific publications related to medicine, can be located here.

Cancer Clinical Trial Information

The National Cancer Institute’s clinical trials search engine.  The most comprehensive place to look for cancer clinical trials
National Institutes of Health clinical trials search engine. This website allows you to search for clinical trials for all conditions. You might want to start with the National Cancer Institute’s search site, which is focused on cancer, but you may also encounter this site in your searches.
Cooperative groups site. Cancer trials information from the national cooperative groups. These are the largest federally supported groups conducting large-scale trials in the United States.
Centerwatch. A comprehensive website devoted to industry-sponsored clinical trials.
ASCO The American Society of Clinical Oncology website containing information about cancer clinical trials
Association of Cancer Online Resources is a comprehensive offering of online peer support groups and patient-centered web sites.  Some of the offerings include information about clinical trials.  A non-profit clinical trials service with over 500 trials focused on breast cancer

Other Favorites

Cancer Clinical Trials on Facebook
Larry's prostate cancer blog

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