
About Us

Dr. Tomasz Beer is a leader in the field of cancer research.  He takes care of cancer patients, directs a large clinical research program, and serves as Professor of Medicine and the Deputy Director at the Knight Cancer Institute, a National Cancer Institute designated Cancer Center in Portland, Oregon.  Dr. Beer has been involved in nearly 100 clinical trials and has published over 250 articles and abstracts in his field. When he’s not in the clinic or the laboratory, Dr. Beer enjoys cycling and exploring the great Pacific Northwest with his family.
Dr. Beer's Faculty Website     Dr. Beer's Publications
Dr. Beer's Author Page on Amazon

Dr. Larry Axmaker is mostly retired after a 45-year career that included teaching, counseling, and administration at all educational levels from elementary school through graduate school, private practice in Clinical Psychology, and more than a dozen years of writing, editing, and graphic art in health education and promotion. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2003 and has been a participant in several clinical trials. He published a book about Prostate Cancer and his journey through the treatment process. He is responsible for the cartoons on the blog site.
Larry's Prostate Cancer Book
Larry's Prostate Cancer Blog

The authors at work together: