Myth #1—Cures already exist for many
cancers but drug companies are keeping them under wraps in order to make even higher
profits when they are released or to profit from current less effective drugs.
Truth #1—You gotta be kidding! The world
drug market is large and very competitive and no pharmaceutical company is
going to give up a chance to market a great product. Holding back could give
other companies a chance to develop and market a similar drug.
Myth #2—Many experimental cancer
drugs in the U.S. have already been tested and approved in other countries.
Truth #2—Sometimes drugs ARE available first
in other countries. But the U.S. is by far the world leader in cancer research
and new drugs are more often than not available to Americans first.
Myth #3—If I join a clinical trial,
whether it is successful or not, I’ll be disqualified from ever participating
in a trial again.
Truth #3—Nope. Many people with cancer
participate in two, three, or more trials in their lifetime. This author (LWA)
has participated in three clinical trials and is considering a fourth. Your
previous history, including clinical trials, could be considered when you apply
for a new clinical trial. Do your homework and make sure joining a trial is in
your best interests.
Misconception #4—In almost all cases, drug
testing can be done in test-tubes, with animals, and by computer simulations. Testing
on humans is seldom necessary.
Answer #4—Don’t we all wish! It would
certainly be faster and cheaper if people were not needed in the drug approval
process. But, in fact, testing on humans is currently the only way to determine
proper dosages, the effects of side effects, and whether or not the drug
actually cures or manages cancer.
Myth #5—Drug companies pay hospitals
and doctors a lot of money to ensure they get the best possible results from
clinical trials. The better the results, the higher the payments.
Truth #5—The pharmaceutical companies often
pay for some or most of the costs of a clinical trial. These payments are never linked to the results of the trial. And, at the end of the day, academic centers do not make a profit on clinical research. There are several
layers of safeguards to make sure trials are conducted scientifically and
Myth #6—Most clinical trials only
accept participants who have the least serious and dangerous types of the
cancer being tested in the trial in order to improve the chances of getting
good results.
Truth #6—Cancer treatment drugs are developed
for all levels and stages of cancer. Some trials, however, may exclude patients
with serious heart, lung, kidney, or liver diseases to protect them from
unknown side effects. After a drug is proven successful and safe, these high-risk
people may be included in further studies.
To put a smile on your face see Larry's latest cartoon.
To learn more about clinical trials, take a look at our book.

(c) 2012 Tom Beer and Larry Axmaker
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